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Walkeriana 'Monte Azul'

by 숲사랑 (Forestlover) 2022. 12. 17.

Scientific Name: C. walkeriana var. coerulea 'Monte Azul'


  As an orchid lover living in South Korea, I am growing about 100 Cattleyas. They are species like walkeriana, nobilior, mossiae, labiata, trianae and some others. The flowers are very beautiful and have wonderful fragrances. I used to enjoy them alone, but now I want to share the joy with those who visit my blog. If you want to see more cattleya flowers of my own, please click the link below. There are many posts in my original orchid blog provided by a local portal service named 'Naver' that are not searchable on Google. 'Hwawoo' is my nickname for orchid related activities, meaning flower friend or flower rain. Thank you for your visiting and hope you enjoy.



화우의 오키드 세상 : 네이버 블로그

카틀레야 오키드를 주로 키우고 있습니다. 작은 마음의 위안과 평화를 가져다 주네요. 닉네임은 花雨(꽃비) 혹은 花友(꽃친구)의 두 가지 의미를 담았습니다. 즐감하세요.



The 'Monte Azul' flower that has blossomed a couple of days ago shows well-balanced shape and mild coerulea colour that is not easily found in the specie. It has a fresh and cool scent. Currently, outside temperature is -9 degrees in Centigrade(15.8 F) and all the buildings, houses, and streets are covered with snow and frozen. Thanks to 'Monte Azul', I feel like it is one day of spring time in my living room. What a joy and blessing!
